Current Research Support
Targeting Cdc42 for bone marrow transplant therapies. Principal Investigator. National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute. Apr 2015-Apr 2020. R01 CA193350
- The goal is to characterize Cdc42 as a key regulator of hematopoietic stem cell residency in the bone marrow and explore a targeting strategy for enhancing transplant efficiency.
Cdc42, hematopoietic stem cell polarity, and cell fate. Principal Investigator. National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Dec 2015-Nov 2019. R01 DK104814-A1.
- The goal of this grant is to causally associate Cdc42 activity, stem cell polarity, stem cell division symmetry and cell fate relationship in mouse models.
Blood stem cell aging and biomarker studies. Co-Principal Investigator. National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Aug 2016-Jul 2020. R01 HL134617.
- The goal of this grant is to define Cdc42 in murine hematopoietic stem cells as an aging biomarker.
Activated protein C peptides for radio-mitigation. Co-Principal Investigator. National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Apr 2017-Mar 2019. R43 AI127065-01A1.
- The goal is to develop a novel radiomitigator peptide derived from protein C for commercialization.
Leukemia stem cell polarity and differentiation therapy. Co-Principal Investigator. National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute. Sep 2017-Jul 2022. R01 CA204895-A1.
- The goal of this grant is to implicate rational targeting of Cdc42 activity as a novel leukemia stem cell differentiation therapy.
Targeting TET1 signaling to treat acute myeloid leukemia. Co-Principal Investigator. National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute. Jan 2017-Dec 2021. R01 CA211614.
Refrigerated preservation of platelets for human transfusion. Co-Principal Investigator. Ohio Third Frontier Fund/State of Ohio. Feb 2018-Jan 2019.
Proton radiation biology and therapy. Co-Principal Investigator. Academic Research Committee Fund/Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Mar 2017-Feb 2020.