Services & Specialties
Center for Better Health and Nutrition

Improving Heart Health Through Treatment of Childhood Obesity

The Center for Better Health and Nutrition (CBHN) is the obesity prevention program of the Heart Institute at Cincinnati Children’s. Our mission is to address the health concerns of children and teens with overweight or obesity through comprehensive, family-based treatment.

We are committed to developing community-based programs to reverse the growing trend of obesity and its related health complications. We are also actively involved in research to help advance the science of obesity prevention and treatment for youth.

Reversing the Growing Trend of Obesity

Parents tell us everyday that obesity makes it harder for their kids to experience the joy of childhood. They tell us obesity limits their child’s ability to keep up with friends when they play outside. They tell us their child struggles to deal with adult illnesses like sleep apnea and diabetes. And they tell us how their child gets teased or bullied more often due to their weight, making it harder to fit in at school. 

Because we hear stories like this every day, our goal is to help these young people achieve successful long-term changes in their weight and their health.

Read our Brochure

Download our complete brochure (PDF) for information about how we can help, our approach, what to expect, satellite locations and our Healthworks! nutrition component.

Download the brochure in Spanish (Espanol).

Cincinnati Children's Blog: Simple Ways to Reduce Sugar

Read our 5 Simple Ways to Reduce Sugar In Your Child's Diet blog post...It may be easier than you think to help your child eat fewer sugary snacks and meals.

Heart Encyclopedia

Heart Encyclopedia.
Learn about pediatric heart defects and disorders in our Heart Institute Encyclopedia. Learn More