Cancer and Blood Diseases Institute
Healthcare Professional Resources

We offer the highest standard of hematology and oncology care.

Offering the Highest Standard of Hematology and Oncology Care

The Cancer and Blood Diseases Institute at Cincinnati Children’s fully integrates clinical and research capabilities  to advance knowledge and deliver better outcomes for our patients and their families. Our hematology and oncology specialists have earned a national and international reputation for providing sophisticated treatments and cutting-edge research.

The institute offers a variety of services for health professionals. We provide unparalleled educational opportunities, hundreds of clinical trials, advanced diagnostic testing for a range of rare pediatric disorders and a streamlined patient referral process.

Learn more about our institute:

2022 Cancer and Blood Diseases Institute Accomplishments Report

volumes and outcomes.

A Year of Inspiration & Collaboration

Every day we’re inspired – in the clinic and in the lab, through local and global collaborations, and by our patients and their resilience. This inspiration leads us to work harder to develop new treatments, improve diagnostics, and achieve the best outcomes possible for our patients. We don’t do it alone. We value your collaboration and contributions as we pursue our common mission together.


  • Research Study Leads to U.S. Food and Drug Administration Approval of a Game-Changing Therapy for Young Patients with High-Risk Leukemia
  • James Geller, MD, and Maureen O’Brien, MD, MS, Fulfill Critical Leadership Roles Within Children’s Oncology Group
  • Leading the Way in Flash Proton Therapy Research
  • Novel Therapy for Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Maintains 100% Response Rate
  • Bone Marrow ‘Map’ Opens Path to Organoid-like Blood Stem Cell Production
  • Meet Our Team
  • FY22 Program Data
Read Report

Spotlight on Quality: How We Cut Treatment Errors

A quality improvement initiative at Cincinnati Children’s significantly reduced errors in chemotherapy use among pediatric patients, whose regimens incorporate multiple drugs and rigorous monitoring schedules. See study findings and watch a video.

Leading-Edge Research

Physicians and researchers at Cincinnati Children’s conduct extensive clinical and laboratory research in hopes of improving the lives and prognosis of patients with blood diseases. They play a leading role in many national and international clinical studies, providing patients with early access to innovative therapies and treatments that are not widely available. Read More