Celiac Disease Center

Research to Improve Care for Children with Celiac Disease

Pediatric gastroenterologists at Cincinnati Children’s are actively engaged in research to better understand celiac disease and develop new treatments. Your child’s gastroenterologist may talk to you about participating in clinical research trials, many of which are sponsored by national organizations focused on celiac disease research. Many of our families appreciate the opportunity to take part and help advance care for children and adults with this chronic condition.

Current research topics include:

  • Improving methods to identify a person’s risk of gluten exposure
  • Determining how telehealth appointments may impact celiac disease care
  • Finding new methods to monitor medical issues that sometimes arise in people with celiac disease
  • Evaluating new strategies to identify and treat patients with celiac disease and Type 1 diabetes
  • Investigating how celiac disease can impact heart health for children who also have Type 1 diabetes

If you are interested in learning more about celiac disease research at Cincinnati Children’s, talk to your child’s pediatric gastroenterologist or nurse coordinator.