Clinical Trials / Research Studies
Discover Together Biobank | Research with Leftover Tissue

Biobanking Research with Leftover Tissue

Research with samples in our Discover Together Biobank allows our researchers to discover how to prevent, diagnose, treat and cure diseases. Researchers use a variety of specimens for this type of work, including blood, urine and tissues.

If you or your child is having a clinical test or procedure in which tissue will be taken (such as a biopsy or surgery), your or your child’s leftover tissue sample(s) may be kept indefinitely. It is standard clinical practice to keep leftover tissue in case clinical tests need to be repeated or new clinical tests need to be done.

Your or your child’s leftover tissue samples can lead to new discoveries in medicine. After at least three months, these stored tissue sample(s) may be used for de-identified research, coordinated by Cincinnati Children’s Discover Together Biobank. “De-identified” means that your or your child’s personal identifiers – like name or date of birth – will not be attached to the tissue sample(s) used in the research.

If your or your child’s leftover tissue sample(s) qualifies for a specific research study that needs personal identifiers and/or genetics, you may be contacted to discuss the study and your or your child’s potential participation in the research.

To understand more about this process, please read the full leftover tissue storage disclosure, posted here in multiple languages:

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