CHECK Foster Care Center
What to Expect

What to Expect at Your First Appointment at CHECK Foster Care Center

The CHECK (Comprehensive Health Evaluations for Cincinnati’s Kids) Foster Care Center provides specialized care for children in child welfare protective custody, e.g. foster care or kinship care. Our team of physicians, nurse practitioners, social workers, psychologists and dentists offer the compassionate care children need during their first months in a new home.

Our clinicians are dedicated to supporting families, biological, kinship, and foster, as well as caregivers with the physical, developmental and behavioral challenges faced by children in foster and kinship care. We strive to ensure children have the ongoing medical care they need, including staying up-to-date on vaccinations and receiving specialty care for chronic health conditions.

You can rely on our team for support during this transition time. Learn more about what to expect during your child’s appointments with our foster care center.

Making an Appointment at CHECK Foster Care Center

Any child in foster or kinship care should see a physician within five days of every new placement. Our team has specialized experience providing all the care your child needs in one location.

Please contact us to make an appointment.

Preparing for Your Visit

You are not required to bring anything to the visit. If you have any medical or child welfare records for your child, we ask that you please bring them with you to the appointment. If you don’t have any records, we will work to find them for you. You are welcome to bring any forms you need completed, but we will have the paperwork you need for the child welfare system, including medical screening forms, daycare forms, athletics forms, and work permits. You do not need to bring any insurance information to your appointment.

On the Day of Your Visit at CHECK Foster Care Center

Before Your Appointment

We ask that you arrive 15 minutes before your appointment. We offer appointments at our Burnet campus and Liberty campus. Both location are large facilities, so please be sure to leave enough time to park and walk to our office.

Please contact us if you are running late for your appointment.

At Your Appointment

There are two required visits with CHECK: an initial evaluation and a follow-up comprehensive evaluation four to eight weeks later. These visits will address your child’s physical, mental and emotional health needs. Our caring providers will:

  • Discuss your child’s transition, behaviors and any concerns you have
  • Share any medical history information we have
  • Perform a complete physical exam with attention on any problems that need immediate attention
  • Test vision and hearing
  • Perform a developmental screening or assessment
  • Complete a mental health screening
  • Update your child’s vaccines
  • Work with you to identify a primary care provider and dentist for your child
  • Make appointments for your child to see any specialist as needed
  • Complete health forms you need for Job & Family Services, childcare or school
  • Give you an opportunity to meet with a social worker or psychologist to discuss your concerns

After Your Visit at CHECK Foster Care Center

After your appointment, we will provide a report with your child’s physical exam findings and their treatment plan, including any upcoming appointments. We will also send this report to child welfare, the child’s placement agency and their new pediatrician.