Hip Preservation
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About Hip Preservation

Preserving the hip means that we use approaches in our treatment plans that aim to prevent or delay the development or advancement of hip problems as much as possible. Our focus is to preserve the hip in order to maintain function of the hip, reduce or prevent pain, and prevent or significantly delay hip replacement. We want you or your child to be able to return to normal activities of daily living without pain.

Some treatments focus on correcting hip conditions using surgery early on. In our program, we have found that preserving the natural hip joint as much as possible may lead to better outcomes and can delay or eliminate the need for hip replacement at a later age. 

It’s helpful if a hip condition is diagnosed early so we can maximize the benefits of any hip preserving procedures. Early detection often provides the possibility for more conservative treatment options, such as bracing, and can help avoid or delay surgery.

Delayed diagnosis can lead to complications later in life such as pain, disability, decreased surgical options, and the potential need for early hip replacement.

Hip preservation serves as the focus of lifelong treatment, support and care. Without treatment, many hip conditions will result in increased pain and loss of function in the hip. Even with treatment, many hip diseases risk that outcome. Preserving the hip early on helps give you the best possibility of long-term hip health.

Whether you are visiting the Hip Preservation Program with your young child, teen, or as an adult patient yourself, our goal is the same. We want to partner with you to come up with a plan that will result in the best outcome for you or your child. 

We carefully and strategically design every treatment plan to achieve a healthy and active lifestyle that limits future complications as much as possible. When considering treatment options, we take into account lifestyle, age, anatomy, and most important, patient expectations.

When surgery is required, we work closely with Pain Management to provide the best possible comfort during the post-operative period. 

We are committed to improving the quality of life for each of the patients in our care. We pride ourselves on delivering compassionate care, and we understand what patients need to experience an exceptional quality of life.

Coordinated care means that we work with one another and include providers from other disciplines as needed. When you need a specialty outside of orthopaedics, such as radiology, we have the experts right here at the medical center. That means you don’t need to piece together care from multiple facilities. 

It also offers continuity as you or your child matures, as you’ll see the same care team members year after year for check-ups and any future required treatments. Over time we develop close relationships with our patients, many of whom stay with our center for lifelong follow-up care.

We have regular meetings that include all those involved in the care of patients with hip conditions. The entire clinical staff reviews each case—including X-rays, physical exam, and history—for a fully comprehensive team approach to your care.

We have a dedicated set of steps we follow, called a protocol, for managing pain. We use this protocol for all of our hip patients. It maximizes comfort, minimizes the use of narcotics, and results in earlier discharge than prior methods.

The protocol was developed by Orthopaedics and Anesthesia together, and it has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery.