Hip Preservation

Hip Preservation Research

Researchers in our Hip Preservation Program conduct studies to explore the treatments and care we offer patients. Results from these studies help us continue to improve care so we can provide the best possible outcomes for our patients.

Some of our current research projects include the following:

  • Intervention After SCFE Surgery
    This study is helping our surgeons determine who should receive additional intervention after surgery for slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE). The researchers are exploring the benefit of intervening earlier rather than waiting for the hip to deteriorate. The data collected to date has provided valuable information about long-term treatment results.
  • PAO Surgery in Patients with EDS
    This study showed positive short-term results for patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) after having periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) surgery. These early results are significant because they suggest that patients with EDS and hip instability potentially are as good a candidate for PAO surgery as patients without EDS. Researchers are continuing to follow these patients so they can also look at mid- and long-term results in the future.
  • Finding a Way for Cartilage to Regrow
    This research is focused on finding a reliable way to help cartilage regrow in large pediatric osteochondral injuries, which are injuries to the smooth surface on the end of a bone. Finding a better option for treatment of these injuries is important, because they often lead to early osteoarthritis and significant disability in patients.