Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit
School Liaison Program

School Liaison Program

The School Liaison Program in the Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit works with children from preschool through high school. Our school liaisons are the link between your family, your child’s school and your child's medical team.

School liaisons work closely with teachers to provide information about your child's diagnosis and help you obtain the appropriate education support, services and resources. There is no fee for this service.

The inpatient rehabilitation school liaisons have been serving students since 1997.

We support students who are receiving inpatient rehabilitation care for a variety of medical conditions, such as:

  • Traumatic / acquired brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Orthopedic injuries
  • Chronic pain
  • Weakness following prolonged hospitalization 
  • Cancer

The three main objectives of the School Liaison Program are:

  • Provide access to a school liaison during and following rehabilitation care
  • Provide the medical information, documentation and recommendations to the school team and family.
  • Prevent or minimize future educational problems related to medical absences, diagnosis and / or treatment

The following services are examples of the support available:

  • Act as the link among patient and family, the school and the medical team, making the transition back to school easier
  • Provide medical documentation as well as the medical team’s recommendations to assist with planning for the patient’s return to school.
  • Provide staff and peers with information about a patient’s diagnosis, medical care and implications on education. We will attend meetings virtually or make in-person visits to schools within 60 miles of Cincinnati Children's.
  • Communicate neuropsychological evaluation results
  • Prevent or minimize future educational problems related to medical absences, a diagnosis and / or treatment

Contact Us

Contact us.

For more information about School Liaison Program support, contact:

Debbie South

Ryan Hanna