Rare Lung Diseases
Treatments and Services

Leaders in Diagnosing Rare Lung Diseases

One of the primary reasons patients come to our program is for diagnosis of a complex, chronic lung problem. Many of the patients we care for have interstitial or other rare lung diseases. Our diagnostic approaches may include the following specialties:

  • Chest HRCT − A specialized technique is essential, particularly in young children, for the best image quality and to minimize radiation dose.
    •  Alan Brody, MD, (Chief, Thoracic Imaging) is board certified in pediatrics and radiology. He holds a certificate of special qualification in pediatric radiology from the American Board of Radiology. Dr. Brody is a member of multiple national and international medical societies including senior membership in the Society for Thoracic Radiology, and membership in the Fleischner Society. Dr. Brody has been recognized as one of America’s top physicians since 2008.
  • Evaluation of pulmonary physiology: 
  • Polysomnography
  • Surgical lung biopsy via VATS (Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery). We have particular experience with VATS in diagnosing different forms of ILD.
  • Genetic testing – which includes whole exome sequencing

Other treatments and services we provide include:

  • Full range of of therapies available to treat these diseases including access to research and lung transplant
  • Our interdisciplinary approach to caring for diffuse lung diseases, including team case conferences to review diagnosis and management.
  • Our collaboration with a child’s referring physician.
  • Family centered care – an approach that keeps family informed and involved.
  • Opportunities to participate in research studies at Cincinnati Children’s and elsewhere.