Biostatistics and Epidemiology Internship Program
Program Information

Program Information

The Biostatistics and Epidemiology internship program is designed to provide complementary training to the student's classroom learning. Additionally, the program seeks to enhance professional skills / knowledge and helps prepare the student for a successful career in medical, behavioral and clinical research. Through one-on-one mentored experiences, active participation in ongoing medical research projects, and involvement with a highly productive biostatistics and epidemiology research environment, the student will gain training experience that includes, but is not limited to:

  • Enhancing and enforcing knowledge in the fundamentals and principles of biostatistics and epidemiology
  • Developing critical thinking skills and statistics reasoning through hands-on experience working with actual data
  • Learning advanced statistics techniques through one-on-one mentoring with recognized experts in the field, as well as in group settings such as seminars, webinars, and interest groups
  • Team work and hands-on learning of design and conduction of research, such as developing IRB protocol, grant proposal, interpretation and presentation of study findings, and drafting a manuscript   
  • Developing professional skills that contribute to future career development
  • Earn college research credits (depending on the policy of the student’s degreed program)

In addition, trainees will have access to educational programs / opportunities offered through the Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology and Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Opportunities include:

  • One-on-one mentored research
  • Hands-on research experience at one of the top pediatric health care and research organizations in the world
  • Journal Club, Research in Progress
  • Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training (CCTST) grant rounds, BERD, webinars
  • Theme-specific interest groups, such as causal inference, genomics / imaging / large datasets / big data, adaptive design, scale development, diabetes / obesity and environmental epidemiology 
  • ASA and ENAR webinars
  • Woodside, Dinsmore & Shohl Internship Award - The Woodside Internship Award is supported by a generous endowment from Frank C. Woodside III, Dinsmore & Shohl LLP. This award will provide trainee(s) with an opportunity to have a focused effort working on a specific research project for a semester. The projects should be initiated by DBE faculty members and approved by the DBE education committee.

DBE faculty have a wide range of expertise

Biostatistics: causal inference and comparative effectiveness, missing data, geospatial data, big data, functional data, time to event analyses, Bayesian modeling, scale development, design and analyses of clinical trials, design and analyses of quasi-experiment and observational data analyses

Epidemiology: reproductive health, community health, environmental health, air pollution exposure, obesity, nutrition, developmental disabilities, pediatric hearing loss, prematurity, and hypertension.