Healthcare Professionals
August 2018 | Staff Bulletin

Sam Hanke, MD, named Chief Patient Experience Officer

Sam Hanke, MDCincinnati Children’s has a new Chief Patient Experience Officer – Sam Hanke, MD, Cardiology.

“I’m very excited for the opportunity,” said Hanke. “Delivering an optimal experience is such a critical goal for Cincinnati Children’s. Whether they are with us for a one-hour clinic visit or a long inpatient stay, patients and families are counting on us to deliver an outstanding experience every time. We have made great improvements already, thanks to the strong foundation built by Dr. Anne Boat and her team. I look forward to continuing the work.”

Boat recently accepted the position of Associate Chief Medical Officer at the Ann & Robert Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.

In his new role, Hanke reports to both Derek Wheeler, MD, Chief of Staff, and Barb Tofani, RN, Chief Nursing Officer.

“Sam brings great passion for the work and a wealth of experience from his 12 years with Cincinnati Children’s as resident, fellow, and practicing physician,” said Wheeler.

Tofani added: “Through his contributions to several system-wide improvement projects, Sam has emerged as a leader with strong values and a tremendous sense of purpose for delivering exceptional experience.”

Hanke also brings a parental perspective that stems from tragedy. He and his wife, Maura, lost their son Charlie to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in 2010. They and their other two children – Owen and Annie – live in Northern Kentucky.

“It was a life-changing experience, one that made me even more acutely aware of the importance of family and their needs when they come to us with their kids,” Hanke said. “Scores and metrics are important, and we will certainly continue to use them to chart our progress, but the real measure of success is in the stories we hear from families. That’s what inspires me. As we hear more stories about positive interactions, our scores will improve.”

Hanke and his team will also be measuring and addressing something new – staff experience. Since this work is so closely related to our focus on overall employee experience, he is partnering with Nerissa Morris, Chief Human Resources Officer, to ensure that their approaches are aligned.

“It’s a tough time in healthcare,” he said. “We’re adapting to new expectations from families as they become more educated healthcare consumers, and we’re also dealing with higher demand. Those changes can be stressful for staff. It’s a great challenge but a great opportunity as well.”

Hanke said he’s pleased to be addressing those challenges at Cincinnati Children’s.

“From day one, it was clear to me that this place and these people were different,” he said. “There is a level of caring here that is special and unique. I want to continue to be part of that and ensure that patients and families feel it too.”

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