Cerebral Palsy Program
Rehab Medicine CP Clinic | What to Expect

What to Expect During Your Visit

During your child’s appointment, the team will ask questions and listen to your concerns, watch your child at play and observe them doing specific activities. They’ll provide standardized assessments and evaluate your child’s muscle tone, range of motion, mobility, communication, medical equipment and other concerns. They’ll discuss their observations with you and consider what your child needs to experience the best quality of life possible.

At the end of the appointment, you’ll meet with the nurse, who will talk with you about the team’s recommendations and provide a written summary. Treatment recommendations may include:

  • Changing your child’s medication
  • Scheduling a follow-up test
  • Scheduling a procedure, such as a Botox injection to treat spasticity
  • Referring your child to another specialist, such as an orthopaedic surgeon, ophthalmologist, neurosurgeon or neurologist for follow-up care
  • Making a change to your child’s speech therapy, occupational therapy or physical therapy regimen
  • Sending your child to an orthotist for new braces
  • Obtaining new assistive devices or other equipment
  • Providing new exercises for your child to do at home
  • Sharing information with you about resources in the community that can provide education and support

If your child receives care from providers closer to your home, our team can share its recommendations so that your child can continue to progress. We are always available to collaborate, to answer questions and to discuss your child’s needs with you or your child’s local providers.