Pediatric Surgery
Healthcare Professional Resources

For Healthcare Professionals

The Division of Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery offers a variety of services, from newsletters for our community physicians to a visitor’s program for our international students.  It is our pleasure to partner with you in order to deliver quality care across the globe.

Learn more about what our Division offers:
Community Physicians
Do you have questions for our surgeons? Visit our page for our Community Physicians to learn more.

Professional Education and Fellowships
Be a part of one of the premier training programs in North America for Pediatric Surgery.  Discover how you can further your education and training in the Division of Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery. Visit our Professional Education and Fellowships page for more information.

Visitor’s Program
From shadowing surgeries in the operating room to assisting in faculty labs, the Visitor’s Program within the Division of Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery is an outstanding opportunity that provides those who attend the education and experience to excel in the medical profession.

For physicians, if you have a student who is shadowing you and you refer them to our program, or if you refer a patient to our division for surgery, you are welcome to visit us and shadow our surgeons in and out of the operating room.

Professional Education and Fellowships

Fellows together.
We offer educational and training opportunities for medical students, residents in general surgery and residents (fellows) in pediatric surgery. Learn More

Refer a Patient

Doctor with patient.
Refer a patient to the Division of Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery or speak with a surgeon or physician on call. Contact Us

Conditions Treated

Mom and daughter.
We provide comprehensive general and specialized surgical treatment of a wide range of conditions affecting children from birth through young adulthood. Learn More