Student & Graduate Programs
Faculty and Healthcare Educator Program

Faculty and Healthcare Educator Program

The Faculty and Healthcare Educator Program at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center began in the fall of 1995 with a basic faculty development course targeting community physicians who precept residents in their offices and members of the Division of General and Community Pediatrics.

 Since that first course, the faculty development program has expanded to a comprehensive, integrated, multi-level, interdisciplinary program that offers training to all levels of learners and educators and to all disciplines in medicine and healthcare:

This program is available to educators in all disciplines and subspecialties at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center as well as community physicians precepting medical students and residents.

With the increasing emphasis on outpatient medical education and more specifically education in the community with practicing physicians as teachers and mentors, Thomas G. DeWitt, MD, led the development of a four-day workshop series in faculty development to increase the teaching effectiveness of community physicians. The success of the series and the recognition of the need for formal teaching instruction in a teaching hospital has led to a wider use within the hospital.

The Basic Faculty and Healthcare Educator Development course was initially funded by an HRSA Faculty Development in Primary Care grant, but is now hospital-supported. The annual course involves three day-long sessions, usually in November and March.

The workshop series combines interactive didactic sessions with role-play activities and small-group discussions addressing:

  • Adult Learning Theory
  • The First Day
  • Educational Planning Process
  • Organization and Time Management
  • Teaching Styles
  • The Problem Learner

Contact Us 

For more information about the Basic Faculty and Healthcare Educator series, contact Chris Peltier, MD, at