Chicago Area Faculty Development Network -- a consortium of colleges and universities that provide workshops. Also has a good "links" page to many good general resources.
Academic Pediatric Association -- Faculty Development Special Interest Group is involved in the development of a web-based clearing house for curriculum, power-point presentations, a directory and calendar of programs available nationally and regionally.
American College of Physicians - American Society for Internal Medicine -- This organization, which represents the community-based and full-time Internal Medicine specialists, has developed a very mature program over the past 10-12 years including a newsletter, awards of excellence, faculty development programs on a national and regional basis under the leadership of Dr. Patrick Alguire, Director, Education and Career Development.
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine -- This organization has been a leader for many decades in the education of community-based physicians involved in teaching medical students and residents. Office-based Teacher is a web-based compilation of articles pertaining to the "how-to" component of office-based teaching.
University of Cincinnati / Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center -- includes a menu of programs and resources from the basic level to a master's program in medical education.
University of Kansas-Wichita -- includes a Preceptor Handbook with curricular materials, teacher and preceptor skills / development modules and links to clinical resources.
An introduction to the many uses of the internet in a module format
Medical Education Online -- an electronic journal of medical education materials including curricula, book reviews, syllabi, software, etc., in a peer-reviewed manner
Medical College of Wisconsin -- an integrated Family Medicine / Internal Medicine / Pediatric program that includes training workshops, online clinical modules and a newsletter.
Duke University -- includes online courses in both teaching and leadership skills but requires Duke intranet access.
East Texas Area Health Education Center -- includes web-based cases, preceptor pages, useful links for students and preceptors; requires password for most of the material
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill -- The Expert Preceptor Interactive Curriculum: a faculty development curriculum in clinical teaching for community practitioners -- a module format with CME credit.
Dartmouth Medical School – OCER (Office for Community-Based Education and Research) -- includes teaching tools and resources plus schedules for faculty development workshops locally and regionally; some modules and articles are available. Also a very extensive list of resources through the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries including teaching methods, problem based learning, faculty development for preceptors, junior faculty and resident development, etc.