Home Care Services
Speech, Physical and Occupational Therapy

Speech, Physical and Occupational Therapy

Our occupational and physical therapists provide rehabilitative services, fostering independence and enhancing daily living activities for children who are homebound or otherwise unable to come to the outpatient setting.

Home care is considered a short-term alternative to standard outpatient care. The goal of therapy is to improve medical status and functional abilities so that home care services are no longer needed and the child can resume more normal daily activities, including school.

Patient Eligibility

A patient is eligible for physical and occupational therapy from Home Care Services based on the following criteria:

  • The patient resides in Ohio within a 55-mile driving distance from   Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
  • The patient lives at home and cannot be transported safely to the hospital or other facility for services due to a medical condition.
  • Patient meets certain medical conditions or criteria that qualify him for homebound services


The physical or occupational therapist will provide specific therapies to aid and improve:

Activities of daily living

Endurance pain management 

Handwriting strength

Range of motion

Ambulation / gait

Fine motor skills

Non and partial weight bearing

Sensory processing

Cardiovascular conditioning

Functional skills

Oral motor / feeding skills

Toe touch (R / L)

Development mobility

Gross motor skills

Perceptual motor skills


Speech and Language Therapy

Our speech and language therapists provide rehabilitative services, fostering independence and enhancing daily living activities for children who are homebound or otherwise unable to come to the outpatient setting.

Home care is considered a short-term alternative to standard outpatient care. The goal of therapy is to improve medical status and / or functional abilities so that home care services are no longer needed and the child can resume more normal daily activities, including school.


The goal of the Home Health Care Program is to provide the patient and family the necessary information and training so the patient can be cared for at home. Therefore, the following services are provided in the home:

  • Active treatment of deficits including oral motor feeding, oral sensory issues, behavioral feeding issues, expressive language, receptive language, augmentative communication strategies and voice
  • An evaluation of the patient’s and family’s needs within the home environment
  • Recommendations for home modifications, equipment adaptations, acquisition of new equipment, assessment and design of augmentative communication systems
  • Family training and home instruction to promote carryover of skills across environments
  • Counseling and training for parents and caregivers regarding methods of helping the child in the home
  • Periodic follow-up

Patients will be discharged from the home health program and transitioned to a Cincinnati Children’s outpatient facility or community program when they no longer meet the above criteria. Patients will be discharged from therapy when they have met all goals or are no longer making functional gains with therapy.

What to Expect During Your First Visit

Our staff will call you to schedule your first appointment. Your therapist will confirm the appointment time and your address then arrive at your home at the appointed time. The therapist will bring with him or her all necessary equipment and supplies to treat your child.

Your therapist will have written forms for you to review and sign, as well as a packet of important information to help you participate in the plan of care for your child’s treatment.

The first visit is an assessment that may or may not include therapy. After your first home visit, your therapist will work with you and your physician to create a treatment plan for your child.

How Long Will My First Visit Take

Your therapist will be in your home between 60-90 minutes, depending on the treatment your child will be receiving.

How To Prepare For My Visits

It is important to be available during your scheduled appointments. Therapists require a parent or guardian in the home at all times during the in-home treatment.

Contact Information

For more information about Speech, Physical and Occupational Therapy contact Home Care Services via phone at 513-636-HOME (4663), or email at homecareservices@cchmc.org.