Diabetes Home Care

Diabetes can make going to a birthday party, playing in a soccer game, or merely having a sleepover an overwhelming task for a child. The Home Health Care pediatric nursing staff at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center recognizes the challenges children and their families face with diabetes.

Diabetes Home Health Care

The Home Care pediatric nursing specialists from Cincinnati Children’s can help. Diabetes requires planning. Our nurses can spend time with families developing a plan that works for them.

The nursing staff will educate your child and your family about medications and how to regulate them. The nurse will help you learn to identify and treat hyperglycemia (too high blood glucose level) and hypoglycemia (too low blood glucose level). Because diet and exercise are essential to balance, your nurse will help you plan improvements for both.

Facing a chronic illness is difficult for both your child and your family. Our nursing staff recognizes the challenges of successfully managing pediatric diabetes and can help with coping strategies.

For more information about the Diabetes Home Care contact Home Care Services via phone at 513-636-HOME (4663), or email at homecareservices@cchmc.org.