Human Genetics
Current Research

Current Research in Human Genetics

As genomics continues to revolutionize clinical care, our researchers continue their leadership in working toward improving the health of all children – from basic scientific discovery to bringing new diagnoses and treatments to the clinic. To do this, our investigators use leading-edge technology, data analysis, and cell and animal models to accelerate discovery and contribute new knowledge to the genomics field.

Here are some of the key programs under the research umbrella of the Division of Human Genetics at Cincinnati Children’s:

Center for Mendelian Genomics & Therapeutics

The Center for Mendelian Genomics & Therapeutics (MGT) facilitates the pipeline from patients with rare or undiagnosed diseases through discovery and interventional treatment strategies. MGT works with patients identified from all specialties across Cincinnati Children’s. MGT sequences patients or cohorts of patients or develops animal and cell models for rare or undiagnosed patients to prove causality or find therapeutics. In addition, the center supports the development of new methodologies and tools to assess hard-to-diagnose patients.

Center for Circadian Medicine

When is the best time to take medication? Why do schools start so early when teens just want to sleep? Can hospital lighting change to help the body heal faster? These are the types of research questions that our Center for Circadian Medicine explores.

Center for Pediatric Genomics

The Center for Pediatric Genomics (CpG), launched in 2014, has the mission to accelerate discovery and advance genomic knowledge. We accomplish this through our Pilot Grant Program that gives $1 million annually to Cincinnati Children’s investigators and through educational initiatives, including our annual Precision Genomics Midwest conference. In the first six years of its existence, CpG awardees turned $6 million in internal funding into $25 million in additional external grant funding.

Discover Together Biobank

The Discover Together Biobank is a secure place where we keep our research valuables – the samples (blood, saliva, tissues) and the information that goes along with those samples – so that our researchers can work with these samples and data to find treatments and cures for diseases. We enable world-class research through the availability of biospecimens, associated data and services to meet the needs of all Cincinnati Children’s researchers and their collaborators.

Our Collaborators

In addition, our researchers collaborate frequently both within Cincinnati Children’s and with external collaborators, including these divisions and programs:

Genomic Information Commons

Cincinnati Children's is a participating site of the Genomic Information Commons (GIC). The GIC is a research initiative made up of multiple academic medical centers that provides opportunities for investigators to conduct a range of genomics, biomarker, and epidemiological research. The GIC champions multi-institutional research collaboration through sharing select types of consented patient health data in order to achieve improved health outcomes for our patients, their families, and our communities.

Learn more about the research happening within the Division of Human Genetics.