Pediatric Ophthalmology
Conditions We Treat

Eye Conditions Treated

The Division of Pediatric Ophthalmology at Cincinnati Children's treats the following conditions / diagnoses:

Uncorrectable blurred vision due to the disuse of one eye. 

A doctor may prescribe glasses and/or patching therapy to attempt to restore vision in the weak eye. If left untreated, amblyopia can result in permanent vision loss. Amblyopia is commonly referred to as "lazy eye." Learn more.

A condition in which an eye does not have its natural lens. Vision can usually be corrected using contact lenses. Learn more.

A condition in which an eye’s outer surface curvature is greater in one meridian than in another. The result is an eye that is shaped like a football instead of a basketball. With astigmatism, both distance and near vision are distorted. Vision can usually be corrected with glasses.
Cloudiness or opacity, usually in the crystalline lens. Cataracts can be congenital (present at birth) or caused by other factors, such as eye trauma. Learn more.

A bump on the eyelid caused by an inflamed oil gland. Chalazion is commonly known as a "sty." Learn more.

An inflammation of the outside lining of the eye. Usually caused by bacteria, virus or allergies. Conjunctivitis is commonly known as "pink eye." Learn more.

A form of strabismus where one or both eyes tend to turn toward the nose. Esotropia is commonly known as "crossed eyes."

Open globe or eyelid injuries such as lacerations that require emergency repair.

A form of strabismus where one or both eyes tend to turn out toward the ears. Exotropia is commonly known as "walled eyes."
A condition in which pressure builds behind the eye. If left untreated, the elevated pressure can cause damage to the blood vessels within the eye, ultimately leading to decreased vision, loss of visual field and ultimately blindness.
A condition usually caused by a short eyeball. A mild amount of hyperopia is normal in children but high amounts can cause blurred vision at all distances. Hyperopia is usually corrected with glasses, and is commonly known as "farsightedness."
This is usually the result of a longer-than-normal eyeball. Myopia results in blurred vision at a distance. Myopia is usually corrected with glasses, and is commonly known as "nearsightedness."
An involuntary rapid movement of one or both eyes, where the eyes appear to be dancing or "jiggling" in a rhythmic motion.
Droopiness of the eyelid. Ptosis can be caused by nerve or muscle damage, and may require surgical correction. 

Cancer of the retina (internal layer of the eye). Found almost exclusively in infants and young children. Learn more.

Abnormal growth of the blood vessels of the retina. ROP occurs in low-birth-weight, premature infants
A misalignment of the eyes caused by weak eye muscles or a need for glasses.