Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy
Robotic-Assisted Gait Training (Lokomat©)

Robotic-Assisted Gait Training (Lokomat©)

Robotic-assisted gait training is a new, state of the art technology whereby a patient’s legs are secured in the robotic legs (called an exoskeleton). The legs are controlled by a computer and motors at the hip and knee.  The therapist will carefully adjust the device to match the patient’s body. A special system of pulleys allows the patient to walk without having to support all of his / her body weight.  The computer is used to help fine tune the stepping pattern. Biofeedback also helps a patient understand which muscles need to work harder. This type of training allows patients to actually practice a stepping motion, using good, healthy patterns. It also helps build strength by repeating these patterns.

Why Choose Us?

In order to improve or to relearn gait, child needs therapeutic interventions that allow him / her to actually practice a stepping motion, using good, healthy patterns. We are one of a handful of sites in the Midwest to offer a pediatric robotic-assisted gait training program. This training is offered in the OT / PT Department as an intensive program called RoboDOG. It consists of 18 treatment sessions, and involves coming to therapy several times a week.

Who Can Benefit?

Robotic-assisted gait training has been successfully used with patients who have nervous system damage that affects walking or gait.  Examples of this include patients who have had a spinal cord or traumatic brain injury, and patients with cerebral palsy. The patient must be able to:

  • Fit into the exoskeleton
  • Tolerate standing for at least 30 minutes
  • Follow simple commands
  • Cooperate with the therapist

Location of Service

Robotic-assisted gait training is offered at Cincinnati Children's using a technology called the Lokomat©.  The Lokomat© is located in our outpatient facility on the main (Burnet) campus (MOB, 3430 Burnet Avenue, 4th floor).

OT-PT Treatments

The Division of Occupational and Physical Therapy provides a variety of treatment options for patients through a variety of technology.

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Contact Us

For more information about the Division of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy, call 513-636-4651 or email otpt@cchmc.org.

To schedule an appointment with OT, PT, or the Motion Analysis Lab, call 513-636-4651 and select option 1.

To talk with a Financial Services Representative, call 513-636-4651 and select option 2.