Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy

What is Physical Therapy?

Developing Strength for Tomorrow

The basis of pediatric physical therapy (PT) lies in understanding how a child’s motor performance develops, and how it is related to the child’s cognitive development. PT at Cincinnati Children’s focuses on minimizing the effect of injuries, disease or developmental disabilities on a child’s ability to function. Our team’s goal is to help every child, adolescent and young adult reach his or her full potential.

What Physical Therapy Offers

For children who face physical challenges, long-term disabilities or injuries, PT offers an opportunity for life-changing progress. Our therapists are specially trained in working with children who face developmental delays, neuromuscular conditions, sports injuries, and a host of other problems that affect a child’s ability to complete daily tasks. Our therapists use positive approaches and cutting-edge techniques to improve a child’s motor skills, balance, coordination, strength, and endurance.

Customized Treatment

Our physical therapists work with occupational therapists and other specialists to create a customized program which addresses your child’s unique needs. The therapy process includes an initial evaluation, during which we assess the way your child moves, plays and walks, as well as potential posture or alignment problems and sources of pain. After the evaluation, the physical therapist will create a treatment plan that may include:

  • Activities to ease pain and encourage movement
  • Stretching exercises to improve muscle flexibility
  • Balance and coordination activities to decrease falls and injuries
  • Instructions for home exercise programs
  • Aquatic (pool) therapy to strengthen weak muscles

Additional Physical Therapy Services

  • Recommendations for adaptive play to allow your child to participate in school or recreational activities
  • Recommendations on appropriate timelines for return to sport or other activity
  • Techniques to help prevent injuries and keep your child safe
  • Training in the use of equipment that helps replace lost function or promotes independent movement
We create customized treatment plans for each patient we see.
We create customized treatment plans for each patient we see.

Occupational Therapy

Learn more about how occupational therapy helps children learn skills and participate in activities for successful, independent daily living. Read More

Pre-Pointe Evaluation

Lower Back Therapy