Treatments and Services

Specialized Care for Ear, Nose, and Throat Conditions

The Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery provides specialized care through the following medical programs and related services at Cincinnati Children’s:

The Aerodigestive Center at Cincinnati Children’s is the first pediatric center in the nation to take a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to caring for chronically ill children with complex airway, pulmonary, sleep and upper digestive tract disorders.

This coordination is essential, since these children require care from multiple pediatric specialists. Our team members work together to determine the best care plan for each child. We work with a wide range of specialists to provide the most comprehensive assessment and treatment for children with these complex disorders.

Cincinnati Children’s is the worldwide leader in performing pediatric airway reconstructions, including procedures involving the area from the top of the voice box to the trachea. We perform both open airway procedures (made with a neck incision into the airway) and endoscopic procedures (done through the mouth, eliminating the need for a neck incision).
The Center for Breastfeeding Medicine provides comprehensive care to breastfeeding mothers and babies and education to healthcare professionals. In our Breastfeeding Medicine Clinic, we work closely with Otolaryngology to assess issues related to tongue tie (ankyloglossia) and breastfeeding to help families reach their breastfeeding goals.
The Center for Pediatric Voice Disorders is one of the few pediatric centers in the nation that treats voice issues. We offer a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the larynx (voice box).
The Cochlear Implant Program at Cincinnati Children’s strives to help children with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss. Our use of cutting-edge techniques and technology means we can restore functional hearing for children who cannot benefit from traditional hearing aids.
The Ear and Hearing Center works to improve the care and quality of life for children with hearing impairment by providing optimal and innovative medical and surgical management. We also conduct research to advance understanding of the molecular basis for both normal hearing and deafness.
Whether your child has recently been diagnosed or has had prior esophageal surgery, Cincinnati Children’s Esophageal Center can help you find the right treatment plan. We have the multidisciplinary expertise to treat children with even the most complex esophageal disorders.
The Complex Obstructive Sleep Apnea Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center provides a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to caring for children with complex obstructive sleep apnea. We have specific expertise in treating obstructive sleep apnea in children with craniofacial abnormalities and Down Syndrome.
The Hemangioma and Vascular Malformation Center uses a multidisciplinary approach to diagnose and treat complex lesions.

VPI Clinic

The VPI (Velopharyngeal Insufficiency / Incompetence) Clinic at Cincinnati Children’s specializes in the evaluation and treatment of patients with hypernasality and other resonance disorders. The cause of these disorders is usually some form of velopharyngeal dysfunction. Airway obstruction can also cause or contribute to abnormal speech and resonance.

The VPI Clinic is associated with the Craniofacial Center, also at Cincinnati Children’s.

FEES Study

Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) is a study that allows an assessment of the areas surrounding the voice box and opening of the esophagus through the use of a small flexible telescope.

The telescope is passed through the nose after anesthetizing this area to minimize pain or discomfort. Once the telescope is in position, the child is given various foods, and the specialist evaluates the swallowing process.

This evaluates the developmental and structural aspects of the upper aerodigestive tract, to determine the safety of the child’s swallowing ability.

The FEES study requires the services of both pediatric otolaryngology and speech-language pathology.