Division Publications

  1. Bellodi Schmidt F, Shah KN. Biologic response modifiers and pediatric psoriasis. Pediatr Dermatol. 2015; 32:303-20.
  2. Chu DH, Castelo-Soccio L, Wan J, Gelfand JM, Shaddy RE, Shah KN, Perman MJ, Treat JR, Yan AC. Retrospective analysis of beta-blocker instituted for treatment of hemangiomas (RABBIT study). Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2014; 53:1084-90.
  3. Gutmark-Little I, Shah KN. Obesity and the metabolic syndrome in pediatric psoriasis. Clin Dermatol. 2015; 33:305-15.
  4. Lindsley AW, Qian Y, Valencia CA, Shah K, Zhang K, Assa'ad A. Combined immune deficiency in a patient with a novel NFKB2 mutation. J Clin Immunol. 2014; 34:910-5.