2016 Research Annual Report
Asthma Research

Fig A: This chart illustrates the influences of traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) on cg23602092 methylation and the associ-ation between cg23602092 methylation and asthma. Control subjects appear as solid triangles and asthmatic patients appear as open circles. The solid line shows the relationship between TRAP exposure (current ECAT value) and methylation for control subjects. The dashed line shows the relationship for asthmatic patients.

Asthma Research

Featured Research

Pollution-Related Asthma Response in African American Children Traced to TET1 Gene

Diesel exhaust particulates change the expression of the TET1 gene in airway epithelial cells, which may shed new light on why higher rates of asthma affect African American children.

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Division Summary

Research and Training Details
Faculty 5
Research Fellows and Post Docs 6
Research Graduate Students 1
Total Annual Grant Award Dollars $4,006,732
Total Publications 23