2016 Research Annual Report
Pulmonary Medicine

Fig A:  Researchers used MRI to compare the axial fast gradiant echo slice of four premature babies, three with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and one without. The MRIs more clearly indicate that Patient BPD5 shows signs of fibrotic opacities. In Patients BPD2 and BPD3, these features and multiple regions of emphysema and hyperexpansion are described in the X-rays.

Pulmonary Medicine

Featured Research

MRI Improves Analysis of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

Physicians have long faced challenges in detecting subtle differences in bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), a serious but poorly characterized complication in premature infants.

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Division Summary

Research and Training Details
Faculty 28
Joint Appointment Faculty 8
Research Fellows and Post Docs 12
Research Graduate Students 2
Total Annual Grant Award Dollars $6,558,063
Total Annual Industry Award Dollars $1,413,330
Total Publications 95
Clinical Activities and Training
Clinical Fellows 12
Inpatient Encounters 11,492
Outpatient Encounters 22,233