Cerebral Palsy
Speech-Language Therapy

Speech-Language Therapy for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Being able to understand and use language are life skills that can help children with cerebral palsy better express their needs, share their thoughts and interact with others.

Speech-language pathologists at Cincinnati Children’s have advanced expertise in helping children with cerebral palsy (CP) improve their ability to speak, communicate, swallow and eat. We provide services through the Aaron W. Perlman Center and the Division of Speech-Language Pathology.

Early Interventions for Babies

When children are diagnosed with CP before age 2, it provides families with an opportunity for early interventions. These interventions can make a big difference in the child’s life. They can be very effective in addressing potential concerns related to communication, feeding, and cognitive and play skills. Cincinnati Children’s offers early interventions at the Perlman Center and the Division of Speech-Language Pathology.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Technology

One important area of focus for many children with CP is on learning to use augmentative and alternative communication (ACC). It provides a way for children to communicate when they do not have the physical ability to use verbal speech or writing. This can range from a simple set of picture symbols on a communication board to a computer system that is programmed to speak with words or messages. Speech therapists at the Perlman Center help children, adolescents and adults use technology to communicate.

Therapy for Children Who Need Help with Swallowing and Eating

One of the most common problems children with CP face is dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing. Dysphagia can lead to problems with growth and development, since it prevents children from getting the nutrition they need. Speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists at Cincinnati Children’s provide specialized therapy for this common condition.