Shah Lab
Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents on HDL Subspecies Composition and Function

Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents on HDL Subspecies Composition and Function

Our laboratory has shown that youth with type 2 diabetes are deplete of a specific population of large HDL subspecies. Furthermore, we have shown that depletion of these subspecies is directly related to arterial stiffness, measured non-invasively as pulse wave velocity. Our current work aims to understand how diabetes alters HDL subspecies composition and function. We use size exclusion chromatography and mass spectrometry to identify lipid subspecies and their associated proteins.

Diabetes Research

The Effects of Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents on HDL Subspecies Composition and Function

Grant Funding

This work is funded through research grants from the NIH (K23 career development award) and in part by Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center through the Procter Scholar Research Award

Publications from this Study

Davidson, WS; Cooke, AL; Swertfeger, D; Shah, AS. The Difference Between High Density Lipoprotein Subfractions and Subspecies: an Evolving Model in Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes. Current Atherosclerosis Reports. Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2021 Mar 27;23(6):23.

Davidson, WS; Shah, AS. High Density Lipoprotein Subspecies in Health and Human Disease: Focus on Type 2 Diabetes. Methodist Debakey Cardiovasc J. 2019 Jan-Mar;15(1):55-61.

Davidson, WS; Heink, A; Sexmith, H; Dolan, LM; Gordon, SM; Otvos, JM; Melchior, JT; Elder, DA; Khoury, J; Geh, E; Shah, AS. Obesity is associated with an altered HDL subspecies profile among adolescents with metabolic disease. J Lipid Res. 2017 Sep;58(9):1916-1923.

Shah, AS; Davidson, WS; Gao, Z; Dolan, LM; Kimball, TR; Urbina, EM. Superiority of Lipoprotein Particle Number to Detect Associations with Arterial Thickness and Stiffness in Obese Youth with and without Pre-diabetes. The Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 2016 May-Jun;10(3):610-8.

Gordon, SM; Davidson, WS; Urbina, EM; Dolan, LM; Heink, A; Zang, H; Lu, LJ; Shah AS. The effects of type 2 diabetes onlipoprotein composition and arterial stiffness in male youth. Diabetes.2013 Aug;62(8):2958-67.

***With commentary published by von Eckardstein A, Nofer JR. Frail HDLs and stiff arteries in type 2 diabetes in juveniles. Diabetes. August 2013 62:2662-2664.