Septo-Optic Dysplasia Clinic

Septo-Optic Dysplasia Clinic

What is the Septo-optic Dysplasia Clinic? 

Clinical needs of those with the diagnosis of Septo-Optic Dysplasia (SOD) involve many subspecialties including Endocrinology, Ophthalmology, Genetics, and Behavioral Medicine. Outside of the academic institution, resources from the Blind Association and occupational, physical, and speech therapists are routinely utilized. The SOD clinic, started in December of 2013, was designed to incorporate all subspecialty patient needs into a centralized location.  After examining your child and performing diagnostic testing, the team will collaborate and suggest a plan of care tailored to your child’s needs.  

What healthcare providers might I see? 

  • Sarah Lawson, MD, Pediatric Endocrinologist
  • Jenna Hunt, RN, Care Manager
  • Endocrine fellow
  • Pediatric resident
  • Social worker
  • Dietitian

What other types of specialty doctors might I expect to help in my care? 

  • Ophthalmologist
  • Geneticist
  • Behaviorist (if needed)
  • Neurologist (if needed)

What might be done to evaluate my condition? 

  • Physical exam
  • Laboratory work (if needed)
  • MRI (if needed)

Questions / Contact

Jenna Hunt, RN

Sarah Lawson, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Endocrinology