Thyroid Program

Thyroid Program

At Cincinnati Children's we offer comprehensive care for all thyroid disorders. As endocrinologists, we direct diagnostic testing and treatment as well as coordinate additional subspecialty services that may be needed as below:

Radiology: We may order ultrasound or nuclear medicine studies to help diagnose different thyroid disorders. Our nuclear medicine physicians are also involved when radio-iodine therapy is needed for treatment of Graves disease or thyroid cancer. If thyroid biopsy is needed for evaluation of thyroid nodule, that will be performed by our interventional radiologists.

ENT: We work closely with our experienced thyroid surgeons when partial or total resection of the thyroid is needed. Our team is involved with post-operative management to minimize complications and reduce duration of hospitalization stay.

Oncology: A pediatric oncologist will be consulted for patients with thyroid cancer metastases that are not treatable by surgery or radio-iodine therapy and may require other systemic treatment.