Residential Treatment Program
Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy services are offered to clients based on individualized need. Occupational therapists complete standardized assessments to evaluate gross motor, fine motor, cognition, and response to the environment as it relates to seeing, hearing, touch / pressure, movement and other senses.

Occupational Therapy Services at College Hill

Youth with psychiatric diagnoses often have difficulty with completing daily and routine tasks, interacting with peers and staff, effectively managing frustration and mood changes, and organizing thoughts for effective problem solving.

Occupational Therapy Treatment

Occupational therapy services are offered to youth based on results of the evaluation given at admission. Occupational therapy uses an activity-based approach to highlight areas of strength and engage the client in functional and age-appropriate tasks that increase independence in self-care, social skills, leisure activities, coping skills, cognition and sensory processing

Refer a Patient

Who treats this?

To refer a patient, complete our Residential Referral Form.

For more information, contact 513-636-0820 or