Why Do Our Sports Medicine Experts Focus on Soccer?

Soccer is one of today's most popular sports for young athletes. Our goal is to ensure that our patients are healthy and active on the field. That is why our Sports Medicine Team features experts who specialize in the treatment of soccer specific injuries. 

What is the impact on the body?

Soccer is a high impact, high endurance sport. From the repetitive stress of running, to the inevitable collisions on the field, the body will certainly feel the effects of playing the sport. Soccer players are at risk for contact injuries (with other players, the ball or goalposts) and non-contact injuries. Our Sports Medicine experts understand the risks of soccer and work with our patients to educate them about injury prevention, as well as how to best rehabilitate when injuries do occur so athletes can be healthy when they return to the field.

Common Soccer Injuries

The ACL is a ligament inside your knee that provides stability during activity. ACL tears happen most commonly in sports with running, jumping and change of direction. Females are also more likely to tear their ACL. Our team of Sports Medicine Experts treat this injury with surgery, physical therapy, bracing, and education on prevention.

An ankle sprain, also known as a rolled ankle, is the stretching of one or more ligaments in the ankle that provides stability at the joint. This can happen from getting kicked, stepping on uneven surfaces, and even from muscles being too tired to help support the ankle. Our Sports Medicine team treats ankle sprains with instructing the patient on RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation), a progressive exercise program to strengthen the ankle, and when necessary, the use of supportive bracing.

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. Symptoms of a concussion include headache, dizziness, nausea, blurry vision, sensitivity to light and sound, and vomiting. Many times the athlete will report not feeling like himself or herself. 

Visit the Brain Health and Wellness Center to learn more about concussion recovery.

Osgood-Schlatters Disease is a pain in the knee just below the kneecap. The pain will be felt on the bone of the lower leg where the kneecap is connected by a tendon. Repetitive stress and inflammation of the tendon is what causes the pain. Running and jumping often make the pain worse. This is commonly found in young children as they hit puberty. Our Sports Medicine Team treats this with RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation), physical therapy, bracing when needed, and if necessary, over the counter medication.

Runner’s Knee (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome) is pain in the front of the knee where the kneecap glides abnormally at the end of your thigh bone. This dysfunction is usually found in teenagers and more commonly in females. Your pain may worsen with running and jumping sports, sitting for a long time, or going up stairs. Our Sports Medicine Team,

Sever’s Disease is a pain in the heel that many adolescents experience when participating in soccer. This is caused by repetitive stress to the heel.  Many soccer players experience this due to the high running demands.  We treat Sever’s Disease by reducing activity to allow the injury to heal and educating the patient and family on how to prevent this in the future. In some cases, we will provide the patient with the necessary support such as heel cups or a walking boot.

Tips for Parents and Coaches

Local athlete playing soccer.

If your child has an injury, consult your Athletic Trainer or call 513-803-4878 to schedule with one of our Sports Medicine Experts. 

Educate yourself on common injuries associated with the sport of soccer.

Educate your child on proper warm-up and stretching as well as what to eat or drink before, during, and after soccer practices and games.