Cancer Survivorship Center
Conditions We Treat

Conditions We Treat

Cincinnati Children’s Cancer Survivorship Center offers ongoing follow-up care and support to nearly anyone who had cancer during childhood—regardless of where you received your treatments, or where you live now.

Many of our patients did not receive pediatric cancer care at Cincinnati Children’s. And while some of our patients include survivors who live in the Cincinnati area, we also see plenty of people who travel here from other cities and states.

Long-term Support for Pediatric Cancer Survivors

In addition to monitoring (and coordinating care for) people of all ages, we can support you no matter what type of cancer you had as a child or teen. Our patients include, but are not limited to, people who had treatment for the following:

Late Effect Conditions from Pediatric Cancer

Our team will help you understand your unique health risks for late effects based on the type of cancer you had and the type of treatments you received.

Some of these conditions that may not show up until later in life include:

  • Cognitive problems, such as trouble thinking or remembering
  • Fertility problems in women and men
  • Heart problems
  • Lung disease
  • Secondary cancers like breast cancer that develops at a younger age than normal

We can also refer you for any additional testing, treatments or resources you might need.