Pulmonary Biology
The research in this area focuses on normal perinatal pulmonary adaptation. Lung morphogenesis, gene regulation, pulmonary injury and repair, surfactant homeostasis, antioxidants, transcriptional factors, structure and function of surfactant proteins comprise the major interests of the group.
Gurjit Khurana Hershey, MD, PhD, Professor Genetics and the pathogenesis of atopic disorders [Visit the Hershey Lab] |
Tanya V. Kalin, MD, PhD, Associate Professor Molecular biology of cancer, tumor microenvironment and metastasis. Chemotherapeutic drug development. [Visit the Kalin Lab] |
Tim Le Cras, PhD, Associate Professor Chronic lung diseases: Asthma, Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, Pulmonary fibrosis, Pulmonary hypertension [Visit the Le Cras Lab] |
Satish K. Madala, PhD, Assistant Professor My laboratory conducts research in pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis. Students working in my laboratory can expect to learn and use a multidisciplinary approach in involving biochemical and physiologic techniques to determine cellular and molecular mechanisms of lung remodeling diseases. [Visit the Madala Lab] |
A. P. Naren, PhD, Professor Macromolecular Complexes of CFTR in Cystic Fibrosis and Secretory Diarrhea [Visit Pulmonary Medicine] |
Stephen N. Waggoner, PhD, Assistant Professor We are interested in host and viral factors that control disease pathogenesis by regulating development of long-lived immunological memory, generation of potent immune effector cells, and functional repression of immune function during chronic infection. [Visit the Waggoner Lab] |
Jeffrey A. Whitsett, MD, Professor Organ morphogenesis, gene regulation, cell differentiation, respiratory disease [Visit the Whitsett Lab] |
Kathryn Wikenheiser-Brokamp, MD, PhD, Associate Professor Our research aims to elucidate the molecular basis of lung development and disease with specific focus on identifying critical biologic functions of the Rb/p16, p53 and Dicer/miRNA pathways in pulmonary progenitor/stem cell growth in the context of organogenesis, repair after injury and disease pathogenesis to identify novel targets with diagnostic and therapeutic utility. [Visit Pathology] |
Aaron Zorn, PhD, Professor Molecular mechanisms of endoderm organ development [Visit the Zorn Lab] |