Sports Physical Therapy
Specialty Clinics

Specialty Services and Clinics

Cincinnati Children's currently provides three specialty program options for young athletes and teams.

Onsite Specialty Services

Is your child experiencing pain with throwing, running, or sports-specific activities? Our specialty clinics offer additional services to ensure your child is at the best advantage for their return to sports and physical activities. We provide sports, or condition-specific testing, and analysis to design the best care for your young athlete. 

Our specialty services are integrated within our physical therapy model, which includes a referral from a physician to physical therapy to improve underlying strength, flexibility, and other musculoskeletal deficits. The specialty on-site clinic will assist in providing a sports-specific analysis to determine any technique-related impairments that may have contributed to the development of a specific injury, and to help identify the safest and most efficient movement patterns for the athlete to participate in their sport. Exercises and drills will be provided to improve your athlete’s biomechanics, thus reducing risk of re-injury.

Our trained physical therapy experts are equipped to work with a variety of musculoskeletal diagnosis within each sport, including both post-operative and overuse injuries.

Outreach Programs

Cincinnati Children's offers several outreach programs providing injury screens, injury prevention training, and other team-specific services to the Greater Cincinnati community. Trained pediatric physical therapists are available to travel to your field, court, or gym to provide sports specific testing and assessment for your team and athletes. Our experts in the specific sport areas will analyze any biomechanical deficits that may lead to higher risk of injury and provide detailed interventions to target these mechanical flaws.

Ready to Play Program

Cincinnati Childre's Hospital is pleased to present the Ready to Play Program. Designed by pediatric experts in the fields of orthopedic and sports physical therapy, The Ready to Play Program is dedicated to ensuring your youth athlete is ready to play his or her sport safely at the highest level possible. Risk of injury for adolescents can be higher after periods of rest between seasons or as they transition into higher-levels of activity. This fee for service program is focused on enhancing sports-specific performance and reducing risk of injury or re-injury in your healthy athlete.

Our experts in the fields of running, soccer, baseball, dance, and weightlifting are ready to work with your athlete to offer the following services:

  • Sport-specific movement assessment
  • Sport-specific strength and mobility assessment
  • Exercises, drills, and tips to enhance performance and reduce injury-risk

Specialty Clinics and Programs

We currently offer clinics and programs within the following specialty areas: